
热点话题 7个月前发布(2024-03-21 14:12:44) 阅读(291)




1. While you may always find lower prices, the difference in qualityis noticeable.尽管您始终可能发现更低的价格,但品质的差异是显而易见的。

2. Can you tell us your budget range? That way we can explore ifthere are other solutions that might work for you.能否透露一下您的预算范围?这样我们可以探讨是否还有其他适合您的解决方案。

3 l fully understand your position.Apart from the price factor, are >there any other reasons preventing you from further promoting thisorder?我完全明白您的立场,除了价格因素外,当前是否还有其他原因阻碍了您对这个订单的进一步推进呢?

4, Do you agree with me: in the long run, a reasonable andmoderate price will drive more sales, thus bringing more profitreturns?您是否同意我的观点:长远来看,合理适中的价格会带动更大的销量,从而带来更多的利润回报。

6.We cannot accept the loss of customers due to quality problems.because once we lose such customers, we will lose the opportunityto trade with them forever.我们不能接受因为质量问题而导致客户流失的情况,因为一旦失去这样的客户,就等于永远失去了与该客户的交易机会。



1.l have not received your reply since the last follow-up, so l guessthere may be some doubts about our cooperation relationship.Please let me know if there is any problem that l can help solve.自上次跟进后,我尚未收到您的回复,因此猜测我们之间的合作关系可能存在某些疑虑。请告知是否有任何需要我协助解决的问题。

2. lmagine how positive market conditions will change in the sixmonths after you have successfullyintroduced this new product toalldistribution channels.试想一下,在您将这款新产品成功推广至各分铛渠道后的六个月里,市场状况将会发生怎样的积极变化。

3, this is a common phenomenon, almost all customers will feel theprice is high before in-depth understanding of the product.这是普遍现象,几乎所有客户在深入了解产品之前都会觉得价格偏高。

4, lsend you this information to help you choose the right product,so as to avoid many unnecessary detours.我给您发送的这些信息有助于您选择合适的产品,从而避免走许多不必要的弯路。

5,the current market is so competitive that unless the companyisvery limited in size, no sane company will sell the same quality ofproduct atahigherprice than its peers.当前市场竞争如此激烈,除非该公司的规模非常有限,否则没有哪家理智的公司会以高于同行的价格出售同等质量的产品。



1.l will pay close attention to your orders and production progress,and inform you in time when there is new progress.我会密切关注您的订单和生产进度,并在有新的进展时及时向您通报。

2.lfully understand your point of view.我完全理解您的观点。

3.This is whatlwould do.这也是我会采取的做法。

also consider the degree of service detail, professional and technicallevel,actual results and after-sales support.物超所值意味着不仅关注价格,更要考虑服务的细致程度、专业技术水平、实际效果以及售后支持等方面。

5.Trust is precious, ifyou choose to trust me,lwill be trusted.信任无比珍贵,若您选择信赖我,我必不负所托。

6. different prices correspond to different quality standards. Thehigher-priced product may not be right for you, and the lower-priced product may not meet your needs. The most important thingis to find the option that works best foryou.不同的价格对应着不同的品质标准。高价商品或许不适合您,而低价产品可能无法满足您的需求。最重要的是找到最适合您的那个选项。



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